
专业文献隔震支座力学模型对隔震分析的影响已关闭评论18,016 阅阅读模式
国为隔震支座,真正厂家直销建筑隔震支座,支座质量强 ,实力厂家 ,质优可靠 , 隔震支座生产设备齐全 , 同时可安装,更换支座 ,隔震橡胶支座 ,按图纸加工 ,厂家直接发货!服务热线:0871-68100848


With the development of earthquake engineering in recently years, the application of base isolation structure is more and more widely. Because of the prominent advantage of lead- rubber isolation bearings, it is widely used in this range. The mechanical model of lead- rubber isolation bearings usually use bilinear hysteretic model, but the actual hysteretic behaviors under major earthquake presents tri-linear perform. So it is necessary to consider the impact of differences of the large deformation bearing mechanics model for isolation analysis. In order to correctly utilize the analysis model, basing on the theory study, the mechanical parameters of the tri-linear model of isolation bearing was studied. The different dynamic response of two kind of isolated structures which is used bilinear model and tri-linear model of lead rubber bearings was also discussed.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年4月17日 10:45:00
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